Let’s talk: Interview mit Patryk Polewiak (EN)

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heute haben wir etwas ganz besonderes für euch. Und zwar haben wir euch kürzlich Phantaruk vorgestellt. Hierzu gibt es demnächst auch eine vollwertige Review, doch bis dahin, haben wir noch etwas ganz tolles in petto. Und zwar haben wir ein Interview mit Patryk Polewiak, einem der Entwickler des Spiels führen können. Das Interview findet ihr unterhalb – es liegt im Original vor.

Wir hatten die einmalige Gelegenheit, mit einem der Entwickler des kürzlich erschienenen Spiels Phantaruk in Kontakt zu treten. Dies taten wir selbstverständlich. Unterhalb findet ihr nun das Interview mit Patryk Polewiak, PP im folgenden genannt.


#1: What was your intention behind creating this survival horror game? I mean, there are a lot of them available on all platforms. What is the unique feature in the game, why do you think it will be played by many gamers?

Patryk Polewiak: After a few projects I completed in the horror genre it became my passion. I wanted to create a horror game with my friend, from beginning to end. When we started working on Phantaruk we weren’t thinking about how many people would play it or how the gameplay mechanics would be judged by other people. We were creating something we wanted to play ourselves. We were fascinated with games such as System Shock 2 or Slender: The Arrival, so we started to think about what would happen if we were to mix both of those titles. That’s how the first versions of Phantaruk came to life. I have to stress, however, that from the outset we wanted to create a game, that wouldn’t scare players only by throwing stuff at their faces. As it turned out it was what enabled us to make people interested.

Phantaruk Logo

#2: Did you personally play a lot of survival games, if yes – which is your favorite except Phantaruk, or do you have no genre favorite and play everything you like? The reason why we’d like to know this is, because we want to see if your answer tells us anything about how you came up with the ideas in Phantaruk :).

PP: This might surprise you, but…I get scared too quickly to play horror games. I’m much better at popular shooters such as Battlefield – there, death is much more comfortable :). It doesn’t change the fact, however, that I do play a lot of survival horror games – to research the themes or to aquaint myself with a new, interesting and scary stories. The horror game that scared me the most was Amnesia: The Dark Descent (I love it for the way it builds the terror – slowly and heavily). I also love horror games set in sci-fi environments – such as Alien: Isolation or Dead Space, both of which I love. In my opinion, there are too few games of that kind… and I want to change that. 😉

Phantaruk Logo

#3: More and more gamers, especially PC gamers think graphics are the most important point. What do you think about it? Is it true? Is a great story-game with default graphic not so good or do you think it is because of all properties?                                                                                                                                                                                                               
PP: In my opinion, you should not have to choose between those properties. Only a good mix between graphics, story elements and meaty gameplay will allow for the player to be engrossed in the game while playing. It’s all about the balance. The truth is, a lot of this depends on the project: if we are creating a narrative-heavy game, it’s the story that should be in the foreground, if the gameplay is the most important part we should focus on it, and so on and so forth.

Phantaruk Logo

#4: Will we as gamers get more content for Phantaruk in the future, maybe there will be a second part of Phantaruk or a complete series? I mean, what I saw looks really expressive and this gives you so many possibilities to create massive content on it. Did you plan something for the future?

PP: It all depends on how Phantaruk is received. Both the story and the game are constructed in a way that if we want to suddenly release a DLC or a new installment we will be able to do that without any problems. We do have hope that we will be able to show you more content in the future. 🙂

Phantaruk Logo

#5: How important is the community for you, especially within Preview / Beta-Tests. I received an E-Mail, in which you encouraged me to send you our thoughts and feedback about the game. What happens with this kind of answer? Does it really matter and will you put it into the next updates or what happens with it; also, how important is it for you personally?

PP:The contact with the community is very important for us! As soon as the comments about the game pop out we try to answer them – regardless if they are simple questions or any type of criticism. Of course, it all depends whether we can translate the message. One time we had to prepare an answer in Spanish (a language none of us knows) just to reply to some Spanish fan. We also do value the feedback we receive. We don’t ask for it for the sake of good PR, but to improve the gameplay. Overall, we do take all of the feedback into account, but we also don’t mindlessly throw stuff into the game just because a random person said it. We look at it through the lens of our artistic vision, and if the proposal corresponds with it, we do try to implement it.

Phantaruk Logo

Thank you for your time Patryk.

Weitere Informationen zum frisch erschienen Titel Phantaruk findet ihr ebenfalls auf der Herstellerseite. <—- KLICK


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